

CD430 was always very important part of our Passion line, so we had to give it a special attention when modernizing it to its MKII version. Switching from the discontinued Philips CD PRO mechanics to the Philips CDM4 and upgrading the DAC section to a pair of Analog Devices AD1955 assured continuation of the original CD430 sound quality, while making it available for the future.

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The Genesis CD4 player recently received a coveted Japanese Ongren Syuppan 2016 Product of the Year award.

The CD4 uses a Sanyo HD850 mechanism. Loading the CD is carried out from above via a sliding door which should remain partially open during playback in order to minimize vibration due to the movement of the air rotation of the disc.

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A sound stage is meant to be panoramic and the IA350 fills the room. The separation of the channels gives us a wide sound scene yet does not go beyond the surroundings of the loudspeakers. The IA350 adapts superbly to the dimensions of the listening room, but also to the speakers. The dynamics allow us to listen serenely and absolutely to all styles of music under all conditions.

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